Exclusive to Echoes In Time Life size Hand Painted
Size: 13" x 10.5" x 1"
Material: Cast Stone
Name: EGYPTIAN WATER FOWL (wall stele)
Time: c. 2460 BC
Location: Saqqara, Egypt
This is an accurate copy of an exquisite low relief engraving carved 4500 years ago! This true-to-life art depicts a lively scene on the banks of the Nile with graceful butterfly and waterfowl that could have been sculpted yesterday. It was carved into a limestone facing in a tomb at the time of the Fifth Dynasty under its first king Userkaf c. 2460 B.C. Found at Saqqara, Egypt, in a mastaba - an oblong tomb structure - this picture is one of the earliest of this type of reality paintings to come down to us.
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